Estate Planning Attorney Fairfax VA
Here at Mehnaz Khan Law PLLC, we represent corporate executives, business owners, professionals, and individuals that have accumulated wealth and require estate planning, estate administration, and asset protection planning.
We help you build a thorough and complete estate plan that includes all the necessary information about your assets, your property, your family, and your wishes during and after you are gone.
Last wills and testaments are vital documents that we can help you draft. Wills give you the ability to distribute your estate, appoint guardianship, choose your heirs, and give your most precious possessions to the people you value.
We will also help you choose the best will for your situation. The most common wills you can have are:
Testamentary will: A testamentary will differs from a simple will as it includes provisions that place some of your assets into a trust. These assets are then distributed to your beneficiaries through a trustee. You can get a testamentary trust will when one of your heirs is not yet mature enough to handle an inheritance. When you place the heir’s inheritance into a Spendthrift trust, your trustee can distribute the assets to your heir gradually and under predetermined conditions. As a result, you protect your heir’s inheritance against their poor decisions.
Joint will: You use this when you want to leave your assets to your spouse. With the will, your spouse inherits everything in your estate. When your spouse also passes on, the estate is distributed to your heirs. We will help you put together a will that will ensure your spouse gets your property, and the property smoothly transitions to your heirs when time comes. Regardless of the type of will you need, we will help you draft it and ensure everything is in place, and your property is fully protected.
Advance Directive
An advance directive is a written statement that allows you to plan (in writing) to ensure your consent or refusal for medical treatment is respected in situations where you can’t communicate yourself. We will help you draft the document and ensure your beliefs and wishes are known when you can’t communicate for yourself.
An ideal medical directive includes:
A medical durable power of attorney (MDPOA): This is a document that allows you to designate who can make the medical decisions for you when you are unable to do it yourself.
A living will: It tells healthcare providers and appointed representatives about life-sustaining treatments you do and don’t want when you suffer from a terminal condition, and you can’t make your own decisions.
CPR directive: A form that allows you to choose if you want cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in an emergency. It lets healthcare providers know what to do if you stop breathing or your heart stops beating.
Power of Attorney
A power of attorney comes in handy when you are unexpectedly unable to manage things on your own. The document grants someone you trust authority to make decisions on your behalf. You should note for the power of attorney to be valid, you should be mentally competent.
The document is of significant importance when you become incapacitated to the point you are no longer able to make financial decisions. If you don’t have a power of attorney, get in touch, and we will help you prepare it. If you already have one, let us review it and ensure everything necessary is in place, and you are fully protected.