When you divorce and there are children involved, child custody is usually an issue as your spouse might try to prevent you to seeing your children. When you are looking to have custody of your children the first thing that you should do is arm yourself with a child custody attorney. It’s often said that the best cases are those that are solved out of court. You should work with your lawyer and your spouse’s lawyer and come up with a child custody formula that will favor both of you. It’s only after you have failed to agree should you head to court.

Tips to on how to increase your chances of getting child custody

When you are in court, the judge considers many factors to decide on who gets custody of the children and the type of custody that you get. To increase your chances of getting custody of your children you should do a number of things that include:

Pay child support: Once you have brought a child in this world it’s your responsibility to take care of him/her. Even if you haven’t been ordered by the court yet, you should contact your child support lawyer and settle on an amount that will be enough to give your children a good life. When the court sees that you have already committed to paying for the upkeep of your children it deems you a responsible parent; therefore, you have a higher chance of getting your children’s custody. When making the payments, always pay by check, money order or any other method that leaves a paper trail that you can use as evidence in court.

Spend time with your children: One of the factors that the court considers in giving child custody is how the parents related to their children. Even if you have separated with your spouse you should set our time that you will be spending with your children. You should take them to field trips, concerts, and sporting events. You should also commit to picking them from school and talking to them at night. When you do these things it shows that you love your children and you want them in your life.


Using the right techniques it’s easy to get custody of your children. To have an easy ride in the process you should hire a reputable and experienced family lawyer who will not only advise you but also represent you in court.