Child support lawyer

No one enters into marriage planning to get a divorce. Unfortunately, 50% of marriages end up in divorce.  If children are involved in the divorce, it’s recommended that you hire a child support lawyer to help you through the process. You should hire a lawyer when:

The Divorce process is Messy

Sometimes the divorcing couples are mature and easily reach an agreement on custody issues, division of property, and how much each parent will contribute towards child support.  Most couples don’t reach an agreement. In fact most of them don’t see each other. If the divorce process is messy it’s good that you have a divorce lawyer on your side. The lawyer will negotiate with your spouse to ensure that your children get an amount that will give them a good life.

Your Child has a Special Need

Children with special needs require more money for upkeep. The money often goes into catering for the medical bills of the children. If you aren’t earning a lot of money, taking care of the special child might be too much for you. Your lawyer will present the case in court so that your child can be given an amount that will be enough to cater for all his/her bills.

Your Ex Isn’t Paying Up after divorce

It’s common for spouses to agree on paying certain amount of money to support their children but fail doing so due to ignorance or lack of money. As a low earning parent, the burden of raising your children might be too heavy. If your spouse has refused to follow the court order and make the payments as instructed, you should hire a family lawyer to follow up with your spouse so that he/she can resume making the payments. If the spouse still fails making the payments, the lawyer should present the case in court so that action can be taken.

Co-Parenting Is Not an Option after divorce

Certain domestic situations such as violence can prevent co-parenting from being an option after divorce. The child custody lawyer should be involved so that the abusive spouse may be incarcerated or prevented from accessing you and your child. Even if your spouse isn’t getting access to the children, the children need to be brought up. Your lawyer will ensure that your spouse pays for the upkeep of the children.


A lawyer comes in handy when you are looking after a better future for your children after divorce. As rule of thumb ensure that the lawyer you work with is reputable and experienced enough.