Divorce is an emotional process that affects the entire family; not just the couple undergoing it. The process is even harder when you do the wrong things. To help out here are the dos and don’ts of divorce that you need to observe:

The Dos of divorce

Pay attention to your lawyer: When you are going divorce you shouldn’t go through the process alone—you should get a divorce lawyer who will not only be your confidant but also a guide through the process. To have an easy process you should listen to the advice given by your lawyer.

Try solving the issue out of court: It’s often said that the best cases are those that aren’t tried. The court process is usually long, tedious and highly emotional. To avoid the problems that come with the court proceedings you should work with your lawyer and try to solve the issues out of court. It’s only after you have failed to agree should you now drag each other to court.

Be prepared for child and spousal support: Just because you are divorcing it doesn’t mean that your family will stop existing. The legal system requires that both parents take care of their children; therefore, you should be ready to pay for child support. If you are the higher earning parent you should also be ready to pay spousal support to your ex. To avoid being caught by surprise you should work with your child and spousal support lawyers and agree on an amount that you will be comfortable with.

The Don’ts of divorce

Don’t discuss the divorce with your children: While the children are involved in the divorce process, they shouldn’t be privy to the details. Never make them choose sides or bad-mouth your spouse. Instead, protect them from emotional turmoil as best as you can. Let them remember the divorce later in life and admire your maturity. If possible, you shouldn’t let them know that you are divorcing.

Don’t hide your property: Property separation is usually a part of the divorce process. To avoid sharing property with their spouses, many people try hiding some of the things that they own. Most of the people transfer their property to their relatives. While you might successfully pull off this trick, it can easily backfire on your face. In the event the court realizes that you are hiding your property, it will no longer trust you and this puts you at a disadvantage.


These are the dos and don’ts that you need to observe when you are going through a divorce. When hiring a family lawyer you should avoid a cheap lawyer as he/she will most likely give you an awful experience.