Your spouse makes much money, and you’ve given up your work to support and raise your children. Now that you’re divorcing, it may feel fundamentally unfair that they get to keep their financial security. At the same time, you must find out how to maintain the life to which you’ve been accustomed.
While obtaining your fair part of the marital estate through the property division process can be somewhat beneficial, it may not be sufficient. If this is the case in your scenario, it is essential to consider developing a strong spousal support case with the help of your spousal support lawyers.
But how can one adequately plead for alimony? After all, it can be contentious, so you should be well-prepared with strong legal reasons before beginning your divorce. Let’s discuss how you can make a strong case for the spousal assistance you deserve.
Show the life that you are accustomed to
In the end, the court will make an effort to grant spousal support so that you and your partner can continue to live according to your marital standard of living after the divorce. Of course, that may not be entirely feasible, but the court will try to help you achieve it.
You should, therefore, look for proof that captures the reality of your married existence. Although the home you shared with your husband may be helpful, don’t forget to include specifics like how often you went shopping for new clothes, how usually you ate out, what kinds of restaurants you visited, and the vacations you took.
It’s preferable to include anything, even if you’re not sure it relates to the marital standard of living.
Show your sacrifices
The court will sympathize with your position if you demonstrate that your circumstances result from sacrifices made for your spouse and family. So, if true, explain how you sacrificed your education or career to raise your children or run the household while your spouse pursued their education or career.
You can also show how you moved to a new city as a sacrifice for your ex-partner and family.
Show your limited resources.
The goal of alimony is to provide financial support until you are self-sufficient. Before deciding whether to award spousal support, the court will consider each spouse’s financial resources. So, be prepared to offer evidence of your limited means and your spouse’s ability to support their living level while contributing to yours.
Keep in mind that the court will consider each spouse’s earning capacity. Gettin your spouse’s financial documents is an excellent starting step.
Take up parenting responsibilities.
Even though you might be able to get child support if you end up with custody of your kids, you might also use your duty to them as an additional reason to get alimony, mainly if you are the primary physical caregiver or your kids need a lot of daily medical attention.
Develop a post-divorce budget.
It is insufficient to state that you require spousal assistance. You must convince the judge that alimony is appropriate in the given situation. Making a budget that shows your expected spending relative to your income is one way to achieve that. This might help the court understand what you will require once your divorce is finalized until you can support yourself.
Discuss your marital problems.
A fault may be relevant in a spousal support dispute, but it is not necessarily appropriate when discussing divorce law. Even though you may feel awkward discussing your marital problems, it will be well worth the effort if it helps you obtain the required money. As you discuss the issues in the marriage, carefully consider how you cannot depict your spouse’s infidelity.
Work with a reputable lawyer.
The lawyer you hire for your case is of integral importance as they will not only represent you in court but also guide you on the things you should say and those that you shouldn’t.
For example, as much as you would want to discuss your marital issues in court, the attorney will guide you in such a way that you shouldn’t discuss the infidelity issues as you might not have proof. Your ex-partner might also feel triggered and want to defend their money, denying you the amount of spousal support you want.
Sometimes, the attorney you hire will help you get the relevant documentation to help support your case. For example, suppose you need proof of your ex-partner’s ability to pay for your spousal support. In that case, you might need a legal permit to collect these documents.
The attorney must follow up on the legal issues and ensure that you obtain the relevant documents.
Despite the attorney’s experience, you also should ensure that the professional has the time to dedicate to your case. And the cool thing is that you can tell the attorney’s dedication early on.
You only need to call them. If you can’t quickly get hold of the attorney or they keep canceling your meeting, chances are that they are too busy for you, and you should find another professional who has the time.
While at it, also be observant of their customer service. You want a professional who treats you well and makes you feel welcome.
Don’t leave money on the table by giving up on alimony.
Spousal assistance can give you a solid financial foundation while you work to rebuild your life after divorce. However, it is unlikely that it will be handed to you. Instead, you should be ready to fight for it.
A spousal support request entails several details. With that in mind, devote the effort to developing compelling and well-supported legal arguments. This will necessitate familiarity with the law and the collection of substantial evidence, but the process should not be intimidating.
Instead, do your best to focus on the reward and future you deserve. Hopefully, you’ll be able to reach the outcome that will set you up for success after your divorce.
So, take the time to gather relevant facts, put together the right team of divorce lawyers Fairfax VA, and develop the solid legal arguments necessary to position yourself for success.