Divorce not only is hard for the soon-to-be-ex couple but also especially the children. What more for children with adoptive parents? Adopted children may have gone through a lot to have a family they can call their own. Some of these children are adopted by a relative, while others by strangers.

So imagine how heart-breaking it can be to learn that your adoptive parents are going to divorce. Imagine if you are the adopted child and you see divorce lawyers often in your home. It can be stressful for the child and can even affect his or her mental and emotional well-being.

Once their adoptive parents separate, which parent gets the child? How will they all cope with their living situation? Is hiring a child support lawyer necessary in this case? As an adoptive parent, how are you going to help your adoptive child understand the situation? These are some things that should be considered in case the adoptive parents end their marriage.

Effect of divorce on adopted children

As mentioned earlier, adopted children have already gone through a lot. There are personal reasons why these children end up in adoption. It can be because of a traumatic experience with a relative or biological parents. Or perhaps they survived a past accident but their biological parents didn’t.

And then there is this inevitable instance of divorce between the adoptive parents. It can be another loss, to say the least. The adoptive child is losing a family once more, and that they might never get back. It can also be stressful for a child to see family lawyers in their home more often to settle the divorce.

Then again, divorce is not an easy decision for the involved spouses, too. They are also going to face important decisions, especially for their adoptive children. Perhaps they did not see this coming, but the divorce might be long overdue after all.

What happens to the adopted child when the adoptive parent’s divorce?

Adopted children should also have an arrangement for custody and financial support. However, take note that adopted children may have other needs different from other children. For example, the adopted child may require special needs such as receiving an adoption subsidy payment. Adoptive parents also have the right to fight for their adoptive child’s custody. The same applies if one of them is a biological parent.

If you want to adopt a child someday, you should also consider what happens if ever you and your spouse gets divorced. In such a case, you should consult top-rated divorce lawyers for your legal concerns.

How to help an adopted child cope with an impending divorce

Divorce is indeed a stressful time in any family’s life. Hiring top-rated divorce lawyers may be necessary to settle the divorce as peacefully as possible. Parents, whether biological or adoptive, play a major role in assuring their children that what’s happening is not their fault. More importantly, parents should help their children deal with the current situation.

It won’t help if you snarl or shout at your children out of nowhere. As mentioned, reassurance is important so they will know that they are always loved no matter what happens. Even if you have to hire family lawyers and talk to them more often, your children should still your top priority.

Let your children understand what is going on, and give them time to process the situation. Be open to them about the upcoming adjustments that have to be done. Accompany them when they need therapy or school counselling. Build a renewed relationship with your children and your soon-to-be-ex-spouse.


Every child has the right to have a loving family. However, not all of them are blessed to have one. That is why adopting a child is a noble and selfless act especially for first-time adoptive parents.

Then again, life can be unpredictable and so is married life. Some adoptive couples end up in divorce. It can be a challenging time, but it is important not to neglect the needs of your adopted child. At the end of the day, it is their emotional and mental well-being and satisfaction that should matter most. For your divorce-related concerns, contact the best divorce lawyers in Fairfax VA.