Ending a marriage can be one of the hardest decisions a couple would have to make. It may not be easy to break the promise of staying “for richer and for poorer, in sickness and in health, ‘til death do us part.” It may be the only solution for everyone’s peace of mind. If that moment comes, you can hire divorce lawyers to help you with the tedious process of divorce.

It’s no secret that divorce can be costly. If you are contemplating for divorce, prepare to pay thousands of dollars for the best divorce lawyers. However, it is still possible to file for divorce that won’t strain your budget. In fact, some couples can file the divorce for free as long as they meet certain requirements.

Still, it won’t be an easy process either. For one thing, it depends on the respective state’s laws regarding divorce. Also, you and your spouse should both agree to all terms and conditions stipulated in the agreement.

Filing for divorce without an attorney

The process of divorce filing without hiring family lawyers is called “pro se”. It roughly translates to “on your own” or in simpler terms, a “do-it-yourself” divorce. A traditional divorce requires you to hire a divorce lawyer, accomplish paper works, and attend hearings.

With pro se, you won’t have to hire and pay an attorney in settling the divorce case. Rather, you will simply accomplish the necessary paperwork, file it in court, and attend hearings. However, it won’t guarantee a stress-free process.

Still, a pro se can be the best option if you don’t consider the divorce as complicated. Likewise, it can help save money from paying attorney fees. Note that the same divorce process will still apply such as asset distribution, child custody, alimony, and many more.

According to experts, a DIY divorce can be finalized around two years or less. It depends on the complexity of the case. The case can be finalized at a shorter time if you and your spouse mutually agree on the conditions stipulated on the divorce filing. Otherwise, you may end up hiring attorneys such as spousal support lawyers in case you don’t agree with the financial support conditions.

You and your spouse may be qualified for a pro se divorce if:

  • You and your spouse don’t have a major conjugal property and other assets that need to be settled
  • Both of you are not in the US military
  • Neither of you is a victim of domestic violence
  • Neither of you demands alimony or any kind of spousal support
  • You don’t have children together
  • If you do have children, you both agree with all concerns related to your children
  • You have been married for only a few years (less than 5)

Once you have settled and ready to file for divorce, visit the nearest court for divorce filing. However, you cannot immediately avail for a free divorce. It will only take effect if the court waives your divorce filing fee. It also depends on your financial status whether the fee will be waived.

Mistakes to avoid in a DIY divorce

Just because you think the divorce process is going smoothly doesn’t mean it will be as stress-free as you imagine it to be. There will always be roadblocks you may encounter at some point. However, the more important thing is to understand how the process works.

Here are some common mistakes you need to avoid in a DIY divorce:

  • There is no parenting plan.
  • You do not consider your future expenses following a divorce.
  • You think that not hiring family lawyers can save you money.
  • You think that giving alimony is mandatory in every divorce case.
  • You do not understand what is covered under child support.

If you commit one or more of these mistakes, perhaps it can be wise to hire an attorney to make things clearer for both parties.

Is it recommended?

As mentioned, it depends on whether the divorce case is not a complicated one. However, it won’t guarantee a smooth divorce settlement. You just have to be prepared for anything that may happen.

Divorce can be stressful, but professionals are here to help you

If you are not sure, you can hire top rated divorce lawyers in Fairfax VA for your divorce concerns.